In the old days, those who wanted Fame & Glory went out & won The Battle of Waterloo. Nowadays, those who are in search of Fame & Glory forget how to exit a car gracefully or chug Vodka out of a Voss bottle. These are their stories...
Claire Danes and new love interest Hugh Dancy, 31, held hands as they strolled through New York’s SoHo district on Thursday.
The new couple spent the day snuggling over breakfast, walking through the city, and later stopping for lunch together.
The actress had been dating Billy Crudup since fall 2003, when he left longtime girlfriend, Mary-Louise Parker (who was 7 and a half months pregnant with his child) to take up with Danes.
According to the New York Daily News’ Gatecrasher, Crudup, 38, dumped Danes, 27, in December, a month after Danes allegedly started hooking up with Dancy, her co-star in the movie Evening.
Karma's one mean bitch Billy, lucky you weren't pregnant when she left you. That would have been all sorts of uncool. Ohh shit, didn't you do that to your ex? (who is way more sucessful than your 5'5" ass) Can you say Sick Burn?
McCartney has rented a five bedroom villa in a resort which he frequently visited with his beloved wife Linda, who died of cancer on 1998. Fellow holiday makers reported that the musician looked ‘tired’ and ‘drawn’ but seemed to be enjoying sailing and spending quality time with his small daughter.
She is the worst. Anybody who doesn't think that the only reason she looked his way was because of money is a crazy freak. She knew that she could get him and she is totally gonna take the poor man to his grave. Her stomach is looking a bit like Tara Reid's. WTF.