In the old days, those who wanted Fame & Glory went out & won The Battle of Waterloo. Nowadays, those who are in search of Fame & Glory forget how to exit a car gracefully or chug Vodka out of a Voss bottle.
These are their stories...
Ever since Paris Hilton forgot to pay her storage bill (a mere $200) her personal shit has fallen into the hands of the fine folks who created The outrageous things they received in this acquisition includes numerous raunchy videos, never before seen pictures involving drugs, sex, and overall debauchery, plus other interesting items such as a medical bill for an abortion Paris had in ‘03, and a bunch of notes about drugs in Amsterdam! Let’s take a trip down memory lane and check out some of the fun Paris had, without you. Here’s the stash of mushrooms Paris once ate, along with her handy drug container. Above, she’s stoned with pro boarder Chad Muska and some chick. Anybody want a line? This is from a party on the yacht Paris sailed on for 9 days.