In the old days, those who wanted Fame & Glory went out & won The Battle of Waterloo. Nowadays, those who are in search of Fame & Glory forget how to exit a car gracefully or chug Vodka out of a Voss bottle.
These are their stories...
This is fucking awesome! I guess they went out and she looked great (well for her at least) and then the X17 photogs caught up with them in their truck right as dude was wiping puke off the gear shift with his shirt. Click here to see more awesome pics of Britney's puke extravaganza!
Sophia Bush Christian Slater Jennifer Garner Maria Bello Aaron Eckhart Jessica Biel Leonardo DiCaprio Penelope Cruz Rachel McCrazyHair and Ryan Gosling Sienna Miller
Dear Critic Choice Attendees, If you want to save Darfur, don't spend your money on designer jackets that say 'Peace in Darfur.' Spend your money on actually fighting for peace in Darfur.
If you think you are punk rock, you probably aren't. Don't use hair mascara to define your punk rockness.
If you ever starred in a movie called Cuffs, my advice for you would be to try and attempt a different hairstyle. You've been rocking your current coif for the past 20 years. Your forehead is huge and shiny. Figure out someway to hide it.
Don't wear a lampshade to an event even if you think it is "really vintage,' polyester looks good on no one.
Go easy on the ghost white powder...I know...I know it looks awesome with super red lips, wrong people! It looks like your dead.
Oh yeah, one last thing, tan naked. Tan lines aren't sweet.
Denise Richards and Richie Sambora want to wed in Italy this summer. Their plan is to have a wonderful ceremony with about 50 guests in Mailand- mainly family and close members. But there is one thing that they have to wait for; for the divorce between him and Heather Locklear. In contrast, Charlie Sheen, Denises’ ex-man has already accepted the divorce and congratulated to the wedding. Here are pictures with Denise, her kids and Richie.
Why is that they have to get married? Didn't they both just get out of crazy long marriages? What the hell is the rush? I think when there are kids involved they should really take their time in making big decisions like getting married. You know their asses are gonna hate each other in two years.