Dear Critic Choice Attendees,
If you want to save Darfur, don't spend your money on designer jackets that say 'Peace in Darfur.' Spend your money on actually fighting for peace in Darfur.
If you think you are punk rock, you probably aren't. Don't use hair mascara to define your punk rockness.
If you ever starred in a movie called Cuffs, my advice for you would be to try and attempt a different hairstyle. You've been rocking your current coif for the past 20 years. Your forehead is huge and shiny. Figure out someway to hide it.
Don't wear a lampshade to an event even if you think it is "really vintage,' polyester looks good on no one.
Go easy on the ghost white powder...I know...I know it looks awesome with super red lips, wrong people! It looks like your dead.
Oh yeah, one last thing, tan naked. Tan lines aren't sweet.
Can you tell I'm in a mood?
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