Nicholas Hoult is starring in a new British comedy about teenagers having a lot of sex, taking drugs and generally having a good old time.
Call me a cheesy bastard but I really thought 'About A Boy' was a darling movie. NOT.
In the old days, those who wanted Fame & Glory went out & won The Battle of Waterloo. Nowadays, those who are in search of Fame & Glory forget how to exit a car gracefully or chug Vodka out of a Voss bottle. These are their stories...
A statement released by the band yesterday says, "Over the weekend, drummer Danny Carey tore a bicep. Danny underwent surgery today and is recovering well. Rescheduled tour dates will be announced shortly."
Not Cool.
Wednesday night, a desperate Britney was photographed outside the home where her ex, Kevin Federline. The photos reveal a furious Britney dressed in white shorts and a hooded sweatshirt repeatedly striking an SUV with an umbrella.
After reportedly spending 45 minutes outside his residence (KFed refused to let her in the house), Britney’s mom picked her up and eventually brought her to the rehab facility.
She is INSANE. Someone needs to commit her before she hurts one of those babies.