She looks fantastic!
In the old days, those who wanted Fame & Glory went out & won The Battle of Waterloo. Nowadays, those who are in search of Fame & Glory forget how to exit a car gracefully or chug Vodka out of a Voss bottle. These are their stories...
Cicsco Adler and Mischa Barton came within minutes of being part of a search and seizure warrant being executed on a medical marijuana distribution center on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood on January 17. Adler's visit to the center that day was no different than any number of times he visited it. As usual, Cisco, 28, parked his Mercedes on the busy street with girlfriend Mischa, 20, waiting patiently in the passenger seat. Cisco was buzzed in, and after less than five minutes he appeared with a small white bag, and the two drove off.
As they left, the former OC star and her rocker beau failed to notice that two nearby side streets were lined with police cars, and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officers wearing bullet proof vests who were preparing to raid the small store front.
Just fifteen minutes after Cisco and Mischa drove off, the agents stormed in and sifted through documents, copied hard drives, and carted away pounds of marijuana and other paraphanalia.
But wait, you say, isn't medical marijana legal in California?
For those of you who may not be aware of the law here, it's kind of like that kid's game, "paper covers rock, scissors cuts paper..." While California technically legalized medical marijuana, the Federal Government still considers it illegal, and the Feds have all the power over the state.
So, while we don't know what painful and life-threatening ailment has stricken Cisco Adler that he needs his almost daily dose of marijuana, we do know that he may have to find other avenues to fulfill his special needs.
The Feds raided four other medical marijuana distribution centers in the West Hollywood area, reportedly because other retailers had "informed" them that the businesses had caused the crime in their area to increase.