Does perky chef/talk show host Rachael Ray not realize which side her bread is buttered on? TMZ.com reports the annoyingly enthusiastic daytime gabber may have made disparaging remarks about her mentor, Oprah Winfrey.
Sources tell the gossip site that Ray got boisterously vocal at a dinner on Dec. 3, 2005, when she was finalizing her show's syndication deal with production company King World. According to TMZ, the energizer bunny sat down with seven others at Houston's Restaurant in L.A.'s Century City Shopping Mall after a book signing, where she proceeded to drink four glasses of wine and complain about the all-powerful O.
The site reports Ray became "extremely loud and aggressive" while describing a portrait of Winfrey that hangs in the Chicago offices of Harpo Productions. The picture, taken during the Beloved film shoot, shows the talk-show mogul in character, wearing a peasant skirt and scars on her back.
"Why is she wearing slave drag? She obviously has problems being black," Ray allegedly ranted to her dinner companions.
Oh no she di'int!
But that's not all. According to TMZ's sources, Ray then sent her drunkenly venomous sights on Hollywood couple Brangelina, calling Brad Pitt a "pussy boy" and Angelina Holie "a skanky, backdoor cunt." Wow. Guess she hated Mr & Mrs Smith even more than we did…
Ray's publicist, Charlie Dougiello, shot down the TMZ story, telling the site, "Rachael did attend the dinner referenced and enjoyed wine and good conversation with friends and colleagues. She denies making any of the comments referenced. In fact, there are several words that are attributed to Rachael that she has never uttered in her life.
"Neither in public nor in private has Rachael made a disparaging or cruel remark about her friend and mentor, Oprah, nor a celebrity couple she has never even met,” Dougiello continued. “There were several associates of Rachael's at that table who, unprompted, agreed that Rachael never made any of the comments she is being accused of making ... and it seems very convenient that these accusations are being levied at a time when Rachael's success has focused the public eye on her."
That's a shame. For one brief, shining moment, there was a small glimmer of hope that Ray actually possessed some semblance of a personality.
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