A defiant Anna Nicole Smith yesterday refused to give up DNA samples for her baby's court-ordered paternity test after sending her ex-lover F-word laced instant messages saying she'll cooperate "in your dreams."
Smith's ex-boyfriend, photographer Larry Birkhead, says he is baby Dannielynn's dad.
But Smith says her longtime lawyer, Howard K. Stern, fathered the child, who was born in September in Nassau, Bahamas.
"She used the F-word and she told Larry she's not going to do it. She said she has no intention of obeying this judge's order," said Birkhead's lawyer, Debra Opri.
Opri said she will seek to have the buxom blond model, who now lives in the Bahamas, found in contempt of court, a move that could lead to her arrest if she reenters the U.S. "She'll pay the piper sooner or later," Opri said.
On the eve of the DNA deadline, Birkhead instant-messaged Smith urging her to "do the right thing."
Smith shot back "u wish" and "in your dreams," Opri said.
Judge Robert Schneider's order required both Smith and the baby to submit saliva samples to lab techs hired by Birkhead by Jan. 23. The techs went to Nassau to collect the mouth swabs, but she didn't show up at the location.
Smith's lawyer, Ron Rale, went to court in L.A. yesterday in a last-minute bid to have Schneider's DNA order declared invalid in the Bahamas.
All I have to say is that I feel so bad for this poor child. Her entire life she will have to deal with Anna Nicole's white trash insanity. Poor girl
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