33 year old porn star "veteran" Jenna Jameson tells magazine FHM that she there will be a biographical movie about her scandalous life later this year, and that she wants a real star to play herself.
"We're looking hopefully at Scarlet Johansson. She's my choice. I think she's beautiful", Jenna says. Her autobiography "How To Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale" became a bestseller in 2004.
Thus far there are have been no comments from Scarlet regarding the request, but according to the magazine, she has been quoted saying that she's not opposed to doing nudity as long as it's for the right project.
I met her once on the set of that tennis movie she did with Dennis Quaid and she was a total bitch. She kept looking past us and even had the audacity to give my boyfriend (now hubby) the once over .
I really liked her in Ghost World but that's about it. I don't think I could even name another one of her flicks. Whatever, her boobs are perfect for a JJ bio.
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