Britney is Still a Lush

ANOTHER night, another LA party girl hits the deck.
But seriously, somebody needs to ship BRITNEY back to rehab asap.
The Toxic star had to be carried out of the men’s toilets of an exclusive LA hotel bar on Sunday night after she was discovered vomiting uncontrollably.
Out of it, she was overheard telling hotel staff: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Things aren’t going well for me at the moment.”
Talk about an understatement!
The troubled pop princess, who spent a month in rehab earlier this year, was then carried out of the bar sobbing and covered in sick.
It’s not unusual to see Britney out on the town these days, but never in this kind of sorry state.
The singer disappeared to the bathroom just an hour after arriving at the Mondrian Hotel’s swanky Sky Bar with five friends.
And it wasn’t long before hotel security got a call saying she needed urgent help.
My source said: “Britney was found slumped over the toilet bowl with make-up smeared over her face and her wig hanging off.
“She had a room booked at the hotel but was too ill to stay and was begging her bodyguard to take her home.
“She looked a real mess and was sitting on the floor with her head over the bowl throwing up.
“There was vomit down the front of her black dress and around her mouth.
“Britney was on her knees and must have been sick four or five times. She didn’t really seem with it, but I don’t know if she was drunk or not.”
The mother-of-two then had to be helped out of the hotel because she couldn’t stand up by herself.
The source added: “It was really sad. Everyone thinks she’s getting back on track after her comeback shows but that’s clearly not the case. I think she needs proper help.”
And maybe just the odd night in with her kids?
Yesterday, Britney posted an epic letter on her website trying to explain the last few months.
She says: “Recently, I was sent to a very humbling place called rehab. I truly hit rock-bottom.
“Till this day I don’t think that it was alcohol or depression.”
Apparently referring to Attention Deficit Disorder, she says: “I was like a bad kid running around with ADD.”
And she adds: “I just want the same things in life that you want . . . and that is to be happy.”
On Monday the troubled singer, wearing a cap clearly emblazoned with a swear word, asked after LINDSAY LOHAN’s wellbeing while speaking to a photographer.
The Herbie Fully Loaded star has reportedly checked back into rehab — but shouldn’t Brit be concentrating on getting herself straightened out before worrying about others?
Rosie Walks
Rosie O’Donnell is showing ABC the view of her behind.
The 45-year-old comedian has decided to leave The View early, the network has announced.
"We had hoped that Rosie would be with us until the end of her contract three weeks from now, but Rosie has informed us that she would like an early leave,” Brian Frons, President of ABC Daytime, said in a statement. “Therefore, we part ways, thank her for her tremendous contribution to 'The View' and wish her well."
The chat show’s den mother Barbara Walters said, "I brought Rosie to the show. Rosie contributed to one of our most exciting and successful years at The View. I am most appreciative. Our close and affectionate relationship will not change."
"I'm extremely grateful,” O’Donnell said. “It's been an amazing year and I love all three women."
The early exit comes just two days after O’Donnell had an on-air blow-up with Elisabeth Hasselbeck, 29, the show’s resident conservative who has butted heads with the outspoken liberal since she came on board last September.
Who Cares Marily Manson has Sex in his own Video?

Marilyn Manson and his 19-year-old girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood, aren’t actually having sex in the video for his new single, “Heart-Shaped Glasses” - or are they? Manson tells Spin magazine that James (“Titanic”) Cameron, who was in the director’s chair during the love scene, told him, “I’ll worry about the sweet spot and you worry about the G-spot.”
Celebrities Past Lives

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Born: December 18, 1963
Star sign: Sagittarius
Animal spirit: Horse
Born: June 4, 1975
Star sign: Gemini
Animal spirit: Horse
Brad and Angelina grew up in poverty and hunger in Africa in the early 1800s.
They would often sit together outside their shanties, dreaming about having plenty of food to share with their families. They were betrothed to each other and very much in love.
Sadly, Angelina died from starvation at a young age, and Brad was overcome with grief. He stopped eating his meagre meals and also died of starvation about a year later.
Having known extreme deprivation, these two will do a lot of good for the world's children. There will be a few bumps along the way, but nothing they can't handle.

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness
Born: October 12, 1968
Star sign: Libra
Animal spirit: Horse
Born: 1960
Star sign: Unknown
Animal spirit: Turtle
A few hundred years ago, in Canada, they were mother and son with a very strong bond between them.
Hugh was born with a serious illness that caused mental problems. Deborra-Lee was very protective, letting no-one else care for her son.
Hugh's father left because he couldn't cope and, as Deborra-Lee grew into middle age, she worried about who would care for Hugh after she was gone. Finally she decided there was no alternative, and they would have to die together.
One night, after supper, Deborra-Lee prepared a drink laced with poison. She watched Hugh drink and then calmly did the same. In death, and now in this life, nothing will keep them apart.

Russell Crowe
Born: April 7, 1964
Star sign: Aries
Animal spirit: Condor
Russell had a very violent life as an English convict. He was transported to Van Diemen's land (now Tasmania) in the early 1800s for living off the earnings of prostitutes.
He was sent to Port Arthur, where he was often flogged for his bad temper and rough ways. The more brutal the guards were to him, the more brutal he became. He killed a guard trying to escape, was taken to Hobart and hanged.
Russell is carrying a lot of baggage from his past, but now has more control over his temper. Because of the trauma from his convict life, he should watch out for his back.

Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz (Yes, old news is old.)
Born: January 31, 1981
Star sign: Aquarius
Animal spirit: White swan
Born: August 30, 1972
Star sign: Virgo
Animal spirit: White swan
Justin and Cameron were just like Romeo and Juliet in their past life.
Several hundred years ago in Palestine, they were very much in love, but he was Jewish and she was Christian and their families refused to let them marry.
They vowed to commit suicide so that they could never be parted. One night, Justin climbed up to Cam's room. They went up to the roof and, hand-in-hand, they jumped. Both died instantly, causing horror and grief for both families. The spirits of two white swans have been with them ever since.

Liz Hurley
Born: June 10, 1965
Star sign: Gemini
Animal spirit: Quail
In the early 1800s, Liz was a hillbilly growing up in the backwoods of Kentucky, where her mother taught her about the healing properties of roots and herbs. Liz married a second cousin and had several children, but continued working as a healer. The mountain people came to her because they distrusted conventional doctors.
When her youngest son got a bad infection, Liz invented a new cure. She took a sharp nail and pierced different parts of his body to relieve the illness. The child recovered, and soon people were lining up for cures to all manner of aches and pains.
Inevitably, some patients died of serious infections, but Liz could always find some other cause.

Courteney Cox and David Arquette
Born: June 15, 1964
Star sign: Gemini
Animal spirit: Butterfly
Born: September 8, 1971
Star sign: Virgo
Animal spirit: Scorpion
These two were Mormons living in Salt Lake City in the US in the late 1800s. They had one child, and all went well for several years until David decided to take a second wife, as allowed by their religion.
Courteney was furious, but there was nothing she could do to prevent the other woman from moving in. The wives didn't get on, and there were many jealous arguments between them.
David realised his mistake and left his wives to battle it out while he had a good time with as many women as he could. Courteney now has a beautiful butterfly spirit while David has a scorpion.
The second Mormon wife was Erika Keith, the stripper who had a 'sex romp' with David several years before he met Courteney.

Kylie Minogue and Olivier Martinez (Old)
Born: May 28, 1968
Star sign: Gemini
Animal spirit: Frog
Born: January 12, 1966
Star sign: Capricorn
Animal spirit: Snake
They grew up together in Venice in the early 1700s. Kylie adored Olivier, but he loved her only as a friend.
When Olivier proposed to another, Kylie grew bitter. Full of jealousy, she invited him to her home for one last drink and to bless his marriage. The wine was laced with deadly nightshade and Olivier died on his way home, but no-one suspected foul play.
In this life, no matter how hard she tries, jealousy rear its ugly head from time to time as Kylie pays off her karmic debt.

Prince William
Born: June 21, 1982
Star sign: Gemini
Animal sprirt: Owl
He has been close to the throne once before - as the illegitimate son of Henry VIII and his young mistress. Henry wanted William to be his heir but there was strong opposition.
William was in a serious predicament and spent some time in France. Hurt and dismayed, he vowed that one day he would get his revencge. He desperately wanted to be king, but he died of consumption at an early age.
In his life, William will achieve his ambition of becomign king, and either of two young ladies around him now would make good partners. His owl spirit will help him choose carefully.

Princess Mary and Prince Frederik of Denmark
Born: February 5, 1972
Star sign: Aquarius
Animal spirit: Butterfly
Born:May 26, 1968
Star sign: Gemini
Animal spirit: Crane
These two were husband and wife in Germany back in the 1600s. Mary's parents were opposed to the mariage because Frederik wasn't rich enough. But Mary had a stubborn streak and was determined to marry for love.
Her parents did everything they could to stop her, but she became pregnant and a wedding was hastily arranged.
Tragically, the baby was stillborn and Mary's parents said it was God's punishment. The couple had no more children.
This time around the fairytale Prince and Princess will have as many children as they wish.

Lleyton and Bec Hewitt
Born: July 23, 1983
Star sign: Cancer
Animal spirit: Dolphin
Born February 24, 1981
Star sign: Pisces
Animal spirit: Ram
Back in the Viking days in Norway, Lleyton was a giant warrior wearing a helmet with large horns on each side.
He still has the hard head of a ram, often butting heads with his opponents on and off the court. But with Bec, lleyton is a perfect gentelmen and will always love and protect her and their children.
Bec plays her part very well, and all the bad karma will become a thing of the past.
Kingston & Gwen in Virginia

With her tour underway, Gwen Stefani continues making her little man Kingston her No. 1 priority as she arrives in Bristow, Va., before her Thursday night concert.
Anne Heche's Husband Hates her Crazy Ass

Someone read Anne Heche's autobiography, Call Me Crazy, cover to cover.
Earlier this month, Heche's estranged hubby, Coley Laffoon, filed court papers in which he expresses doubt as to whether she is "psychologically capable" of caring for their five-year-old son Homer and requests joint legal and primary physical custody of the boy, plus $33,000 a month in child support and no less than $15,000 in attorney fees.
Detailing myriad ways in which he has been the primary caregiver since Homer was born, Laffoon, 33, questions Heche's ability to parent in the face of her "bizarre and delusional behavior" and asks that a psych evaluation "be commenced immediately."
In documents filed May 2 in Los Angeles Superior Court and released Thursday, Laffoon cites an incident last September in which he and Homer were staying in Vancouver and Heche, 37, who was on her way back from New York and was supposed to change planes in Los Angeles, called him at about 11:30 p.m. sounding confused and said that she "didn't know where she was and that she needed help."
Because he was in Canada, Laffoon called Heche's L.A. publicist and asked if she could go look for her. The publicist wasn't able to find her, Laffoon states, but the next day Heche returned to Vancouver and acted as if nothing had happened.
Britney Spears to Record Duet with Marilyn Monroe

Britney Spears is set to sing a duet with the late Marilyn Monroe.
The troubled star plans to boost her ailing career by performing with the movie icon - who died more than four decades ago - on a previously unreleased Marilyn song called 'Down Boy'.
Lance Bass, 28, a former member of Britney's ex-lover Justin Timberlake's band *NSYNC, has reportedly secured the rights to the song and thinks it would be perfect for Britney.
A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "Lance wants Britney to sing with Marilyn on the track, like Natalie Cole did on 'Unforgettable' with her dad Nat King Cole."
Plans are already in place for the 'Toxic' singer to don a platinum Marilyn-esque wig and dress like the glamour icon, when they shoot the video.
Screen and music goddess Marilyn died of an overdose aged 36 in 1962. Despite being one of the most successful women of her generation, the star was believed to have battled numerous personal demons.
Ricki Lake Looks Incredible!

Once weighing 250 pounds, newly transformed former talk show host Ricki Lake has revealed exclusively to Us Weekly the secrets behind her 123-pound, size-4 shape.
Lake, 38, who just debuted The Business of Being Born, her documentary about home birth and midwifery, sits down with Us and explains exactly how she got thin – and finally made peace with her shape after a painful past.
On crash dieting in 1991:
“… I went on this extreme diet. I used to faint because I wasn’t eating and I was always exercising.”
On the most exciting thing about her new weight:
“For the longest time, when I was very heavy, I couldn’t cross my legs. I couldn’t physically do it. LOVE that I can cross my legs now ... Even my shoe size is changing. My Jimmy Choos are too big now.”
On what she thinks of super-skinny actresses:
“I think I have no wrinkles because I always had fat on my face. Really skinny girls age so fast.”
Jennifer Aniston & Laura Dern vs. Angelina Jolie
Now, I love Angelina Jolie, but you have to admit that she DOES have kind of a poor track record as far as men are concerned. Here’s an interesting article about Jennifer Aniston and Laura Dern hooking up to diss on old Angie:
Is Angelina Jolie really a home wrecker? It all depends on who you ask. Of course she did nab Billy Bob Thornton while his gal Laura Dern was off working on a movie and she began snuggling up with Jennifer Aniston hubby Brad Pitt while working on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. So when Jennifer and Laura get together - what do they talk about? According to Star Magazine it’s all about Angelina.
A report set for this week’s issue notes that new best friends Jennifer Aniston and Laura Dern have plenty to talk about Jolie! The leading ladies have each lost a man – Brad Pitt and Billy Bob Thornton – to seductive siren Angie.
And a source tells Star they’re now indulging in juicy gossip sessions about her! Hey - why should they be any different? “They’re looking for a project to do together and discussing scripts but they also love to dish about Angie,” says the source to the weekly entertainment magazine. Jennifer and Laura have been hanging out a lot since February when they hooked up with fellow gal-pal Sheryl Crow at Laura’s birthday at Nobu in Malibu.
“They talked about how skinny and gaunt Angie looks, and about all the kids she’s adopting and how strange she is. They also say she’s bitchy. Jen told Laura she’ll never forget the time she met Angelina on the Warner Bros. lot, right before Angelina started work on Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and how cold she was to her.”
The girls have moved on the source reveals, “They say it’s probably good that Angie took their men because of the way they turned out. Jen and Laura are both happy now.
And the friend reveals, “Laura told Jen that Billy Bob actually did her a favor by leaving her for Angelina.” Laura and hubby Ben have two kids Ellery, 5, and Jaya, 2. Jen looks at her ex’s life with his 4 kids and is grateful for her own freedom. Jen’s friends say, “She’s getting her career back on track, and she looks fantastic; the best revenge is that she’s happy.”
Brad & Angelina in Threesome????
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie get their fair share of speculation on their love life. It is mostly fair game as when they met on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, sparks flew and so did the rumors. It didn't help that both Brad and Angelina continued to deny everything until they showed up in Louisville, Kentucky together. But the latest blind item that grew to a threesome is a bit much. In Touch reveals in this week's issue how it at times gets a bit out of control.
The magazine reports in its cover story this week that when a wild gossip item ran in the April 5 New York Daily News asking, “Which megastar couple, whose torrid fling was first flagged in this column, consummated their acquaintance with a ménage a trios?” many wondered if it could be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
From there, rumors began to circulate all the way from New York to Los Angeles, the magazine reports in a story in this week's issue. It just kept growing.
The report claims that during a party on April 10 at New York’s Indochine restaurant for photographer Patrik Andersson, a guest was overheard claiming that Brad, 43, and Angie,31, were having an affair with 23-year-old supermodel Karolina Kurkova. Even for Angelina - who’s had affairs with women before and once boasted that she had two lovers at the same time - it was the steamiest rumor yet. But the gossip didn’t stop there.
Another insider dished that Karolina was overheard at a recent fashion fitting talking about her relationship with the couple. The insider says, “She was giddy, acting like a schoolgirl.”
As much as it sounds like a late night Cinemax movie that everyone would like to see, it is very, very likely not true. There’s no proof that the trio have ever been together at the same time. That's a pretty big key for a threesome. And Karolina, who lives in Manhattan with her boyfriend of four years, Alessandro, tells In Touch, “I have never met them.” But don't be surprised to see it more. Brad and Angie are in Prague and guess where the supermodel is from - the Czech Republic.
Cue the rep: Brad’s rep insists it’s all just gossip.